Heating and district heating controller
- Building automation
- Meter data recording
- Heating control
- Domestic hot water
- District heating
- Local heat supply
- Cooling control
- Solar thermal systems
- Temperature control
Special features
- Heating and district heating controller
- Control of a primary heat exchanger or boiler
- Max. one mixing and one non-mixing heating circuit (both outdoor temperature controlled) as well as control of DHW heating in the secondary circuit
- Outdoor-temperature-controlled buffer storage tank control with solid fuel boiler and solar circuit control
- Control of one outdoor-temperature-controlled heating circuit and a DHW heating with two valves in the primary circuit
- Control of two outdoor-temperature-controlled heating circuits with two valves in the primary circuit
- Optionally with icons on the display or plain text on the graphics display
- Direct access to the operating modes and essential parameters of the individual control circuits using a rotary pushbutton
- Enter and retrieve data intuitively by turning and pressing the button
- 365-day clock with max. four time schedules and automatic summer time/winter time changeover
- Max. three times-of-use per day (entered in steps of 15 minutes)
- Room panels can be connected for the individual heating circuits
- Demand-driven control by set point demand by subsequent controllers using an 0 to 10 V signal
- Applications including solar thermal DHW available
- Heating characteristic optionally based on gradient or four points
- Flexible limitation of the return flow temperature
- Adaptation: automatic adaptation of the heating characteristic (room temperature sensor required)
- Optimization: calculation of the best possible activation and deactivation times for heating (room temperature sensor required)
- Drying of jointless floors function with adjustable parameters
- Controller flash EPROM (operating system) can be updated
- Meter bus interface for communication with up to three meter bus units (optional)
- Modbus communication using external modules
- Configuration and parameter setting using memory module or online using USB Converter 3 and the TROVIS-VIEW Software
- Data logging function
- Trend-Viewer
- Alarm list
- Event list
- Type 5227-4 Sensor for outdoor temperature
- Type 5277 and Type 5267-3 (contact sensor) Sensors for flow, return flow, and storage tank temperature
- Type 5257-11 (room panel) Sensor for room temperature
- Mini module
- Memory module
- Data logging module
- 55Bluetooth modul
- USB Converter 3 with Datalogging Viewer Software
- TROVIS-VIEW Software (free of charge)
- RS-232/PC communication module
- RS-485 communication module for Modbus RTU two-wire bus network
- 4-port bus hub
- SA5000 overvoltage protection for two-wire bus network
- CoRe 02 Universal Bus Unit
- Modbus TCP gateway
- Modbus GPRS gateway
- RF gateway
- 55Viewer visualization and user interface
- Version with high base
- Version with M-bus interface
- Version with M-bus interface and high base
DXF file from data sheet
- T 5573 [ZIP]
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